VET: 03-525-8011
STORE: 03-525-9113
Vet Team

Carl Finnigan
I qualified in 1997 after a change in career working in the fitness industry. Having a background in health and fitness has certainly helped when working with farm animals. My gymnastic skills have certainly come in handy! After graduation, my partner Paula and I moved to the South Island where I have worked mostly with Dairy Cattle. I have helped establish two new vet clinics in North and South Canterbury and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of meeting new people and establishing good working relationships along the way. That hasn't changed with our move to Golden Bay!
As the senior vet I see my role here as supporting our brilliant team of Vets, Nurses and Support Staff. All our staff are highly dedicated and want the very best for all the animals under their care.

Ali Gray
I have worked at the RSC for a number of years, starting way back last century as a new graduate before leaving to travel overseas. I returned to the Bay with husband Andy and two children in the early 2000’s and have worked here as a predominantly dairy cattle vet ever since.
We were dairy farmers for 25 years but left a few years ago to build our dream house overlooking the beach at Pohara. With easy access to the water, I keep busy (and try to keep fit) waka paddling, mountain biking and tramping.

Mary Lund
I studied Veterinary Science at Massey University and spent most of my career in Dannevirke working in a mixed practice. My focus has mainly been on dairy cattle with an interest in farm systems and dairy cow nutrition. I spent 12 years consulting for Intelact, assisting farmers to innovate and create resilient, profitable businesses utilising sustainable farming principles.
I moved to Golden Bay in 2021 to work at the Rural Service Centre Vet Clinic. I enjoy spending time outdoors and I have very much enjoyed the change in scenery and the many and varied tramping opportunities here.

Susi Struck
I have worked as a vet for nearly 30 years, originally training in Germany but NZ examined and registered. I have worked in all clinical fields but since entering NZ 20 years ago, I have concentrated on companion animal practice.
After a few years of locuming I am happy to be working here in the Bay. I enjoy the variety of animals (and their owners), from farming and hunting dogs to exotic cats and pocket pets, as well as the variety of tasks involved. I have never managed to favour one over the other!
Outside work I love spending time with my family, the outdoors, gardening, keeping fit, learning Te Reo and my work on various committees within the community.

Inge Bolt
Kia ora, I moved to Takaka township with my partner John and our lovely dog Joe in 2021 to work as one of the small animal vets at the Rural Service Centre. I have been employed as a vet throughout New Zealand and Australia as well as volunteering in the Pacific Islands. I have worked in large and small animal practices, emergency care, and as a locum vet.
I have a keen interest in wildlife conservation and have worked on Kiwi and other endangered species programs across the country. In my spare time I enjoy kayaking, biking, tramping and helping with local conservation projects.

Vet Clinic Manager
Vanessa Harwood
I live with my husband and three children (and our many animals), on our farm in Hamama and except for a few years away to study, I have lived in Golden Bay all my life.
My working life began in the Bay as a lab technician for Tasman Milk Products and then Kiwi Dairies. In between raising a family, I worked part time for NZ Post and Kiwibank, spent a few years raising beef calves and dairy grazing before coming to work for the RSC part time. Initially I was employed in the Store and then in 2018 took on my current role.
Outside of work I enjoy spending time on the farm, horse riding, reading and listening to music. I am proud to be part of our close-knit RSC team and with a passion for animals and their health and wellbeing, this is a great fit for me.

Veterinary Nurse
Lisa Bradley
I have always loved animals and knew that I had to work with them in some form. I have worked at the RSC Vet Clinic off and on for the last 30 years. During my 'off' years, I have worked as a share milker, teacher aid, export flower grower, canvassed for the IHC Calf Scheme for 10 years and was office administrator for Bradley Brothers Contracting (now ceased).
I graduated as a vet nurse through Otago Polytechnic in 2000. I love horse riding, tramping, gardening and spending time at home. I am happily married to Andrew operator of Bay Spraying and we have two adult boys who are now living in Dunedin.
My latest love is Pygmy goats, we have just imported the first goats into NZ (they are so cute)!

Veterinary Nurse
Macarena Droguett
I have been part of the amazingly dedicated vet nurse team here at the RSC since 2018. I obtained my veterinarian degree back in my home town of Chile. My work experience is vast and varied and I have a strong background in animal health. Over the years I have found myself doing many different jobs, but I have happily come back to vet nursing in Golden Bay.
I love all animals, but I have a special love for wildlife and contradictorily, for cats. When I'm not working, you'll find me spending time with my chickens, gardening or planning a new adventure!

Veterinary Nurse
Miriam Howe
I’ve arrived at vet nursing after many years of life experience. All those varied strands have finally woven together here in the RSC vet clinic. I love my job, it’s hard work but rewarding. I’ve been interested in animals for as long as I can remember and am fascinated by the way they communicate. Over the years I’ve had the privilege of living with a variety of animals from horses to budgies and spending time with elephants, rhinos and giraffes when I did a stint at Auckland Zoo. I look forward to meeting you and your pets. E noho rā (good bye).

Veterinary Receptionist
Regan Williams
I have lived in East Takaka, Golden Bay for over 20 years where Alan and I have raised a son and a daughter now off doing their own things. I have a background and training in Animal Science and computing technology, and a more recent stint with engraving.
Alan and I have run a successful Dairy Services business since 2006, and we also love to travel. I have a long time passion for breeding champion Golden Retrievers, and horses have always been a major part of my life. Additionally, three cats and a Japanese Spitz rule the roost at Trinity Farm.
I love working in this community focused organization with it's wonderful variety of clients that present to us each day.

Veterinary Receptionist
Fiona Harwood
I'm originally from the North Island but have worked at the RSC Vet Clinic on and off for a number of years in reception and administration support roles. Prior to this I completed my trade certificate in typography and have worked both in NZ and overseas in event management and hospitality.
I really enjoy customer service and find that box gets ticked every day here at the clinic. We have a great supportive team who work well together. Outside of the clinic, you will find me doing office admin for our family farm, getting into the great outdoors with my husband, horse riding, or trying to keep on top of the weeds in my veggie garden!

Veterinary Nurse Assistant
Tara Bint
I am a vet nursing assistant at the RSC. I work with companion animals in the clinic as well as farm animals for seasonal work. I am also training to get AI qualified and aiming for my vet nursing diploma in the next wee while. I’ve been with the RSC team for about 3 years now and love what I do! If I’m not at the vet clinic you’ll find me outdoors, on the farm or with friends and family.
Apply Today
We currently have a full team of staff but we would be glad to receive your CV if you are interested in joining us in the future!